Paola & Thibault, freelancers at Moon Moon

Avec un compère, Thibault lance Moon Moon, un collectif de freelances web sur Nantes et rejoint l'équipe de profs du Wagon Nantes. C'est sur le batch d'automne 2019, que Thibault fait la connaissance de Paola, alors élève. Après son batch, Paola se reconvertit en développeuse web fullstack et rejoint le collectif.

Can you tell us more about yourselves?

Thibault : My name is Thibault Brillet, I was part of Le Wagon batch 167, about 2 years ago. I am now part of the Moon Moon collective.

Paola : I'm Paola Carbonnel, I'm 30 years old and I live in Nantes. I did the Batch 334. It's been a year since I started as a freelance full stack web-developer, and I'm very happy about it. I joined the Moon Moon collective last year.

“Moon Moon is a collective of freelancers. We are 3 out of 4 to have attented Le Wagon bootcamp, so it is thanks to Le Wagon that we met!”

Why did you choose to create a collective with Le Wagon alumi?

Thibault : At Le Wagon, there are lots of different personalities, lots of different backgrounds, lots of different affects on what people do.

Paola was one of my students not too long ago. From the beginning I felt that we got along well. On top of that, she is a person who is extremely diligent in her work, who is very positive.
Paola working from Moon Moon office

How what you learned at Le Wagon does help you?

Paola : Today, what I learned at the Wagon is more useful in my solo work, on the web development side.

“It's undeniable that without Le Wagon, I wouldn't have been able to switch to another job.”

It opens a lot of doors. When you're not in the digital business, you have no idea how many jobs there are!
Paola, fullstack web developer freelance
Thibault : I attented Le Wagon and I discovered a lot of things, especially about the code, the development and the back-end that I didn't know at all. But also on the design part, which I really liked.

“I was forced to dig into these subjects, and that's why I am where I am today.

That is to say a situation where I am a freelancer, where I have advanced technical skills on the points that I like, and that allows me to live from it today.”

What would you say to people that want to join Le Wagon bootcamp? 

Thibault : After graduating Le Wagon, you will realize that there are many jobs. Try to test a maximum of them, try to find the ones that make you vibrate the most.

I've got a technical focus, I dig into the subjects as much as possible. And it's true that today this Wagon logic of constantly asking questions, searching, and finding things for yourself is something that helps me every day. And that is a real strength.
Thibault, freelance developper, Shopify expert

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