Supporting local businesses by training women in technology

Pour plusieurs entreprises du Québec, le virage technologique est devenu inévitable, que ce soit pour pivoter face à la crise actuelle ou pour adapter leur main d’oeuvre à la réalité du télétravail. Mais comment réussir un tel virage dans un secteur connu pour manquer de main d’oeuvre qualifiée?
In April 2020, the unemployment rate reached 17% in Quebec, and women experienced a decline in employment recorded from February to April 2020 of -16.9%, while it was -14.6% for men in Canada.

The demand for tech labour was already high before the crisis, but it remains as high as ever, especially in the video game industry. 

There is, however, a whole section of the population that remains untapped when it comes to the need for technological labour: the women. We usually remember that women account for only 20% of professionals in the tech labour market.

Could training women in tech professions and supporting them in this career change be one of the solutions to help local businesses address their shortage of IT workers?
It is with this in mind that we have joined forces with URelles, a consulting firm specializing in the strategy and implementation of policies favorable to diversity in technology, to provide a new initiative aimed at encouraging and supporting women who wish to pursue careers in technology.

This is a collaboration that combines know-how with interpersonal skills

Women make up only 20% of the tech industry’s workforce and unfortunately often end-up leaving the industry. This partnership aims at breaking this trend by encouraging women to gain technical skills.  
In one day, participants will learn the basic concepts of programming, as well as how to build their own website.

Women make up only 20% of the tech industry’s workforce

The practical training is followed by a networking cocktail along with an inspiring panel of women in technology. The training day ends with a mentoring session between new women in technology and women already working in technology.

The training day will end with a mentor matching session between new women in tech and women already working in technology. 
This program is aimed at companies looking to retrain their female workforce into tech professionals, as well as companies looking to find a solution to their talent shortage.

To learn more, please contact Marie-Gabrielle Ayoub, Co-Founder & CEO, Le Wagon Montréal, at
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