Annmarie, From Foreign Languages to Coding Languages

After studying languages, Annmarie worked several administration and communication roles. Feeling like there was more out there for her, she decided to learn another type of language: coding! Her passion for languages syntax and patterns took her all the way - today, she is a Junior Software Developer at Archa.
‘I have always been curious about languages, linguistics, language patterns and problem solving. I also had experience back in my teenage years coding HTML and CSS blog layouts as a nerdy hobby, so this really ticked a lot of boxes for me!’

Hi! Can you introduce yourself to our community?

Hey everyone! I'm Annmarie, I graduated from the web development bootcamp with Le Wagon Australia at the end of 2020. I was lucky to be able to join batch #452 just weeks before we started, but so glad I did! Before that, I completed a Bachelor of Arts, with a Double Major in Chinese Translation and Korean Language in 2015.

What did you do before joining Le Wagon in Melbourne?

Prior to joining the Bootcamp, I was working within a Real Estate Agency as a Team Assistant to a group of Valuation Directors. Unfortunately, I did not find the role engaging and I felt like I wasn't being challenged enough, which ironically was the same reason I had left my previous position. I knew something had to change so I left my role at the end of 2019, got a lovely puppy and decided to take some time off to focus on finding something I was really passionate about.

I have always been curious about languages, linguistics, language patterns and problem solving. All of this eventually led me to look into a different type of language, coding languages. I also had experience back in my teenage years coding HTML and CSS blog layouts as a nerdy hobby so this really ticked a lot of boxes for me! I spent a couple of months working on free online resources before I finally decided to get in contact with Le Wagon Melbourne - and haven't looked back since.

How would you describe your experience in Le Wagon Melbourne?

Challenging and exciting! That really sums it up for me. It was great pair programming on a daily basis with peers. There is SO much to cover in 9 short weeks but we were very lucky to have great teachers and guides. I love that we aren't given answers but instead, when we asked for assistance from the teachers, problems are broken down and we are prompted when needed, which really engages us to actively think of a solution. The last couple of weeks building our very own web app were intense but I really enjoyed every minute of it, and I think that's where everything really clicked for me.

So, what’s up since you graduated?

Right after the bootcamp, I tried to spend a good amount of time actively coding and building small projects, while also networking on LinkedIn. I also spent some time studying Javascript since it was something I really wanted to get good at.

After about a month, I landed a three-month-long internship at a fintech startup, Archa, and got offered a full time role as a front-end/mobile developer. It's been very interesting working at a startup. I am definitely always challenged and learning new things! I also have nothing but high praises for the company culture at a startup. I would highly recommend looking into joining a startup if you're interested in the product they are building, as well as learning about more aspects of the development process. There is a very flat company structure so you definitely get exposed to more processes and opportunities to grow.

I haven't made any solid plans just yet but I have a few goals I aim to smash out in the near future:

  1. Being fluent in both Kotlin and Swift

  2. Pick up React

  3. Build more personal projects for my portfolio

What would you say to someone thinking about joining the course?

I would encourage you to do some research on the course, start some self-study and have a chat with a course coordinator early on. It really is never too late to start your journey, and there are so many opportunities once you get your foot in the door.

'It's been very interesting working at a startup. I am definitely always challenged and learning new things! I also have nothing but high praises for the company culture at a startup. There is a very flat company structure so you definitely get exposed to more processes and opportunities to grow.'

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Pour développe mes compétences
Formation développeur web
Formation data scientist
Formation data analyst
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