Nina, from textile designer to web integrator

Après plusieurs postes en tant que Designer produit & Graphiste textile, Nina a voulu donner un nouveau départ à sa carrière professionnelle. À la sortie de son bootcamp au Wagon Rennes, elle rejoint Steeple en tant qu'intégratrice web.

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Nina Dissard, I am 32 years old and I live in Dinan. I did Le Wagon in the fall of 2020 in Rennes (France). Before that, I was a graphic designer. I did a first training during which I discovered the code and at the end of it, I wanted to continue in this way. So I joined the bootcamp of Le Wagon Rennes. And at the end of my training, I was recruited by Steeple!

What has been your career path, and what led you to code?

My last job was as a textile designer. When my contract ended, I had to start looking for work. And I felt like I was missing out on a lot of opportunities because I didn't know anything about the digital world, I only knew print. I thought it was a shame to stop there.

So I did a first training in webdesign. At the beginning, I was a bit reluctant, wondering how it would go... and finally, it was a great discovery! 

"The further I got, the more I realized that I didn't want to quit coding."

That's when I found out about Le Wagon in Rennes, and I started the training the following fall.

I then had the option to continue with both design and development, but I got an opportunity in "full development", and I'm very happy with my decision. Today, I only code, and I can't say that I miss webdesign and graphic design. It's a great job, a great discovery.

Today, you work at Steeple. What are your missions, in a few words?

My missions at Steeple are web integration, so I manage the visual part of the front-end. I take care of the CSS and HTML templates, and I take care of the visual part.

How are your working days organized, as a team?

We start every morning with a scrum per project. We meet with the product owner, the front-end and back-end developer, and we exchange on the tasks we did the day before and those to do in the day to come. This helps us a lot on a daily basis. It's a practice I haven't experienced in other departments, but I find it very interesting.

Then, throughout the day, we have a lot of time for team discussions. Beyond that, we also have moments with the whole team during which we reflect on how we want to work together. We think about what we can improve. We really build the project all together.

How is the team work going during the Covid period?

As many things have already been put in place to work as a team, it wasn't too difficult to adapt to remote working. We used to exchange via Discord, we use Gitlab to work all together, etc.

Can you tell us about your integration at Steeple?

My integration at Steeple went very well, despite the particular context.
I had the chance to meet the teams when I arrived, for a week. I also had a buddy within the team to allow me to ask my questions, to be accompanied on a daily basis, etc. And then, as the heart of the company is precisely internal communication, there are a lot of things that are put in place to communicate together, to share moments of conviviality. So I would say that it went very well!

Why did you do Le Wagon? What did this training bring to you?

By doing Le Wagon, I wanted to understand the whole project: the back-end, the front-end, and how it all fits together. I didn't know anything about the logic of projects, whether it was on the back-end or the front-end. This was very important for me.

By attending the bootcamp, I learned to master the logic of development, with Ruby. And this logic is still useful to me today because in the front-end, there is a lot of it, especially when you work with frameworks like Vue.js

What would you say to those who hesitate to join Le Wagon?

To those who are hesitating to join Le Wagon, I would say that you shouldn't have any apprehensions about your existing skills. I think you can come from any field and find yourself in it. You learn in your own way, but the learning structure is flexible enough that you can go at your own pace. The structure of the courses is done in such a way that no matter what your basic knowledge of logic is, you can find your way around.
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