Learning To Code At Home With Le Wagon

Nossos alunos contam um pouco de suas experiências participando do bootcamp Le Wagon de forma remota!
Índice de conteúdo
Covid-19 caused sudden changes in all spheres of society, and it was no different for Le Wagon. We had to make a quick transition to a remote format. Even though this was an unfortunate situation, this format was also an opportunity for some students who live in cities where Le Wagon does not have a campus. Rubem Medina is one of these cases: he is a student of the current full-time program  in São Paulo even though he lives in Paraguay:

“It's been a year since I wanted to do Le Wagon, and I only didn't do it because it would be difficult to leave everything for 2 months (work and stuff), not to mention that the cost would be expensive for those who are not from São Paulo. In addition to the cost of the course, I would have to spend on accommodation, food, tickets, etc. So, this remote format is very comfortable for the student. It’s much easier for someone to decide to do it and put in the time.” 

Enrolling in a bootcamp remotely is also a great way to experience a way of working adopted by many technology companies today, as highlighted by our student Pedro Miranda, student of the part-time program in Rio:

“I saw this situation of taking part in the bootcamp remotely as an opportunity to adapt to what I believe (and what trends show) that jobs in the medium to long term will be: remote. In this sense, the bootcamp teaches me, in addition to programming, also to work remotely, presenting me with all the tools necessary for this transition. “

We also asked our students the main advantages and disadvantages of a remote bootcamp and how they organize themselves on a daily basis:


  • You can participate in the bootcamp from another city or country — Itamar batch #409, BA

  • The main advantages are the same as the ones for remote work: I don't waste time commuting, I can always have my meals at home and I can concentrate better. — Pedro batch #354, RJ


  • The disadvantage would be the distance from my classmates, but it ends up being minimized by the use of virtual tables. I don't know how this interaction would be in other bootcamps, having the tables minimizes this a lot, when it comes to the proximity with the other students. — Ale batch #408, SP


  • During the week, I organize myself as if I had a full-time job. We have classes and exercises all day, from Monday to Friday. I split my time in a way to make sure I can get some rest early in the evening and wake up fully rested and ready the next day. During the weekends, I try to get the most rest I can but I also try to review some important concepts of weeks and review some classes. — Itamar batch #409, RJ

  • I do the part-time program so I study with Le Wagon for 3 days a week. I usually work from 8AM to 6PM and I sometimes manage to squeeze some coding time whenever I can. Every Sunday, I do my schedule for the whole week, splitting days and hours, to organize my time between the classes and the coding time. I also try to get extra study hours. Every morning I look up my schedule and make a to-do list. Of course, it's not always so simple to make it work but having this organization helps me a lot to keep disciplined and focused.— Pedro batch #354, RJ
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