From Graphic Designer to Web Developer: Romuald’s Career Change

De nature créative, Romuald a rejoint le Wagon pour acquérir des compétences en code et résolution de problèmes afin de poursuivre de nouveaux horizons professionnels. Découvrez comment il a changé de carrière, passant du design graphique au développement web.

What inspired you to learn web development?

Before Le Wagon, I was a graphic designer, and working with web developers made me curious about the field. 

I started learning to code on my own by following online courses. As soon as I got to JavaScript, which is more focused on logic, I realized that it was complicated to learn by myself. 

I started a microprogram at the University of Montreal, but I found the content superficial and academic. In addition, we only had one teacher for about thirty students. 

Why did you choose Le Wagon?

My first experience with Le Wagon was attending the workshop "Create your landing page in two hours.” I loved it! I realized that Le Wagon is very hands-on, so I spoke  with the team and came to visit the campus. 

For me, the two main advantages of the program are the access to the alumni network all over the world - an advantage to get help and access to job opportunities - and the entrepreneurial angle. 

What did you think of the bootcamp? 

Because of the pandemic, I followed the program 100% remotely. I found the support and availability of the teachers incredible. 

The program is very well structured and focuses on practice. Kitt, Le Wagon’s learning platform, offers more than what you need, and it's useful even after the bootcamp. For example, I learned the basics of React through the platform course, which helped me get my job! 

How did your job search go?

I deepened my knowledge, especially in React. I sent out a lot of resumes and went onto  technical interviews. At first, I failed but, eventually, my perseverance paid off! 

I landed my first internship at Satellite WP. Then I got hired at Leeroy, a creative and digital agency based in Montreal, for another internship. The first week I was doing HTML newsletters while learning Vue.js. Then they gave me a more significant project to see if I could do it. I made it, and they hired me!

What are your responsibilities as a Front-End Developer at Leeroy?

I work on several projects. I’m mostly doing front-end but also back-end. A typical day consists of creating interfaces and Single Page Applications from mockups made by the designers, handling tickets managed by the project managers, and participating in daily SCRUMs to discuss priorities.

In terms of technology, I mainly work with Vue.js, Craft, and GraphQL.

How do you use the skills you learned at the Wagon?

I don't code in Ruby anymore, but the logic is the same.

My lead developer hired me because, thanks to all the exercises we did during the bootcamp, I developed solid problem-solving skills. 

Le Wagon’s program taught me how to think like a developer. You can always look up the syntax of a specific language on google, but you need problem-solving skills to be a good programmer.

Any advice for those who want to learn to code? 

It's a job where you have to be passionate! You can waste hours on a problem, but without passion, you'll get discouraged quickly.

When looking at job postings, it's easy to get lost and feel like you don't know anything. My advice is to choose a few technologies and follow the steps to the end. Trust the process as they say at Le Wagon!

Also, come and check out what's happening at Le Wagon. By participating in the workshops and demo days, you will realize what you could accomplish thanks to the training. Seeing the students pitch their ideas during Demo Day convinced me to take the leap. If you want to attend our future Demo Days, make sure to follow us on meetup

Today I'm thrilled with my career change, and I even think I should have done it sooner! 

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