Simon, growth marketer & founder of Moon Moon

Après sa formation au Wagon en 2018, Simon se lance dans le Growth Marketing et lance avec d'autres alumni : Moon Moon, un collectif de freelances nantais. Aujourd'hui, il est également expert Shopify et anime 2 podcasts : Contrevent & Les Growth Tech.

Can you introduce yourself ?

My name is Simon Lefebvre, I'm 33 years old, I live in Nantes and I did the batch 139 in Nantes. I have a marketing background, I went to business school. I worked as a project manager in Paris for a long time, then I started freelancing in marketing, before starting Le Wagon. Now, at Moon Moon, I have a Project Management and Growth Marketer role. 

Why work with other Wagon alumni?

Because we went through the same training, we have the same working methods, we learned the same things. The mindset at Le Wagon is very entrepreneurial. As a result, we had the same desire to create something together. 

How did your experience at Le Wagon allow you to take the step of professional career change?

Doing Le Wagon allowed me to understand how it worked, concretely, "behind the curtain", how a website is made. 

"Clearly, today, it allows me to work with developers."

It helped me a lot to understand how to code, and it allows me today not to be afraid to start working on web projects. And that alone is a pretty amazing thing.

You have created and host two podcasts. Can you tell us more?

Besides my activity with Moon Moon on e-commerce, I launched two podcasts. One is called Contrevent, where I interview entrepreneurs from the West, and the other one is called Les Growth Tech, which is a game between Burger Quiz and Les Grosses Têtes where start-ups compete with champions of the Nantes entrepreneurial ecosystem

"Having done the Wagon allowed me to be able to reach out to people in that ecosystem."

What advice would you give to those who want to join Le Wagon?

My main advice would be to go to LE Wagon knowing why you want to learn to code. That's the first thing: go in with a purpose.

My second piece of advice would be to be prepared to work hard. You have to take it as an opportunity because it will open doors for you.

Les internautes ont également consulté :
Pour développe mes compétences
Formation développeur web
Formation data scientist
Formation data analyst
Les internautes ont également consulté :
Paola & Thibault, freelancers at Moon Moon

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Devenir analyste de données: le parcours inspirant de Samuel

Après avoir travaillé 15 ans dans le web et exploré autant de métiers différents, Samuel

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