From Electrical Engineering to Data Science: Abdullah’s Career Change


Le Wagon: Hi, Abdullah! Can you tell us a bit about your background and what you were doing before the bootcamp?

Abdullah: Hi Le Wagon! I was born and raised in Pakistan and have been living in Australia for the past five years now. I came here for my undergraduate studies and pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Machine Learning, which sparked my interest in data science.

Le Wagon: Where did that interest for data science came from?

Abdullah: It started in 2018. As an electrical engineer, I worked with a lot of data and I realized that the potential of data analysis extended far beyond my industry. I saw the opportunity to extract very valuable insights from data and make a meaningful impact in different fields.

Le Wagon: Was it a tough decision for you to transition into the field of data science?

Abdullah: Not at all. As soon as I started learning about it, I instantly knew that I wanted to develop my skills in data science. I had a clear understanding of the potential it held for my future, and I have absolutely no regrets about my decision.

Le Wagon: Why did you decide to enroll in a data science bootcamp?

Abdullah: I knew I had to step outside my comfort zone and learn something new. The job market was evolving rapidly, and there were so many aspects of data science and computer science that I was unaware of. I needed a platform that could provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge and couldn’t find that before finding Le Wagon.

Le Wagon: What was your experience with the data science bootcamp at Le Wagon?

Abdullah: The experience was great; everything was fantastic. I particularly enjoyed being on campus because I believe in in-person learning. At Le Wagon, I learned everything from the ground up. The dynamic and engagement in the bootcamp were very different from my university experience. Since I was studying and working at a retail store during the course, I choose the Part-Time Data Science course, allowing me to balance it all.

But the best part was the people—my batchmates, teachers, and the whole staff were incredibly friendly and supportive. The connections I made were invaluable and continue to help me in my career.

Le Wagon: How did attending Le Wagon’s coding bootcamp change your career?

Abdullah: Le Wagon completely transformed my perception of programming, data science and computer science. It broadened my understanding of these concepts and how I could use them in my everyday life. The bootcamp really opened my eyes to new possibilities and expanded my horizons. And, of course, it gave me the skill set that both I and the industry needed – not just data science but business development as well.

Le Wagon: How was your job hunt experience after the bootcamp?

Abdullah: After finishing the bootcamp in August, I focused on completing my degree first and graduated in December the same year. Not going to lie, I was a bit scared, especially when it came to technical interviews. To make sure I didn’t lose my skills, I practiced coding interviews every day. I started applying for jobs after graduating and got a Data Science role in March the following year. I had several interviews, but my primary goal was to find the right company that aligned with who I am as a person.

Le Wagon: How has it been in this new role? What is your favourite thing about working in data science?

Abdullah: I am still working in my first data science job: I am a technology consultant in Sydney, and it has been a great journey. I would give it a 8.5/10. I have been applying the logic and tools I learned during the bootcamp in my role, which is great. The biggest surprise for me was that I am doing much more SQL and coding than I expected.

I chose to be a consultant because it exposes me to different industries, different people and different cultures, and I truly enjoy that. It is definitely the part I love the most about my job. I love this opportunity to have a taste of other industries. As long as my work has an impact, I know I will enjoy it.

Le Wagon: What advice would you give to those looking to enter the data science industry?

Abdullah: Firstly, don’t be afraid. Although it may seem overwhelming, especially without a tech background, it becomes second nature with time and practice. Secondly, it’s crucial to surround yourself with supportive individuals who motivate you to learn. Having a strong support system is what I got at Le Wagon, and just like it helped me mastering my craft, it will help you.

From Electrical Engineering to Data Science: Abdullah's Career Change With Le Wagon’s Bootcamp
Not sure if a data science bootcamp is worth it in 2023? Meet Abdullah, a 26-year-old data scientist consultant who made a life-changing career transition in Australia. Discover how Abdullah's path led him from electrical engineering to data science and how Le Wagon's data science bootcamp played a pivotal role in his career change.
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