Journey of an Audencia alumni, from finance to tech

After more than 10 years in finance and consulting, convinced that digital and tech would play an important role in business strategies, Mathieu joined Le Wagon fullstack web development bootcamp. Journey of an Audencia alumni.

What were you doing before joining Le Wagon's bootcamp?

After graduating from Audencia in 2010, I had the chance to work in Dubai. I stayed there for 6 years where I worked in a bank (Natixis) in Shipping Finance and then for a British investment funds (Tufton Oceanic). Back in France in 2017, I joined Bain & Company for 2 years and a half.

I really liked this experience: the diversity of the missions, the engagement of the teams, the complexity of the challenges. It's a fascinating job full of adrenaline.

After 10 years of experience, what lead you to join a tech bootcamp?

All the corporations are looking at the startups that are disrupting the market. Throughout my several consulting missions, I've learned that nowadays almost all companies' strategical stakes are in a way or another connected to a digital product.

Project incubations or start-up acquisitions often fail because integrating a young startup into a large corporation is a risky exercise as the differences in culture and operational models are so big. I also realised that I knew little about these tech topics.

In 2020, I think that it's essential to every manager or entrepreneur to understand what a line of code is, be able to work with developers, think in terms of user stories and be able to lead product design sprints.
I needed a course to quickly learn these topics. So I decided to join Le Wagon bootcamp. What a good idea!

How was your experience at Le Wagon?

In transition between two jobs, I could have traveled to the other side of the world for two months. Finally I decided to join Le Wagon bootcamp and I never regretted. The pleasure and the lessons I learned from this training are certainly worth the best of trips.

Every morning, I was impatient to learn new things. The pedagogy of the program is extremely well thought and offers a learning curve really stimulating while allowing the ones who have no notion of code to follow. 

Of course, after only 9 weeks, my development skills are limited but the universe of possibilities that has opened up to me is endless.

I've met fascinating people from all backgrounds. The magic of Le Wagon is to bring together around coding people from such diverse backgrounds who would never have crossed paths otherwise. Everyone is driven by the desire to learn and many by the desire to undertake.

I experienced the immense satisfaction of building a project from scratch as a team. In just two weeks of work, the four of us were able to create a public speaking training web application.

Today Audencia is partnering with Le Wagon Nantes, what do you think about it?

I can only applaud this initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity for all Audencia students to add a differentiating element to their resume and significantly increase their employability in a growing tech industry.

I think that many companies - start-ups and large groups - are looking for "business" profiles capable of understanding and interacting with the technical teams who are leading their digital transformation.

Do you have an advice for Audencia students?

Jump on board! I am convinced that Le Wagon is an experience that you will not regret and which will open many doors for you.

Want to know more? Read the first review of our partnership with Audencia
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