Coding Bootcamps Demystified

9 weeks to learn how to code? Sounds too good to be true… ✔️ Discover the What, Why, How and Who of coding bootcamps!


A coding bootcamp is a short-term, intensive training program that teaches students practical and job-ready tech skills.

Le Wagon is the most acclaimed coding bootcamp in the world, with 1,900+ student reviews and an average grade of 4.98/5 on SwitchUp and Coursereport.

Check out student reviews on CourseReport and SwitchUp!



Coding bootcamps enable students with little coding proficiency to focus on the most important aspects of coding and immediately apply their new coding skills to solve real-world problems.

At Le Wagon, students learn how to build robust and beautiful web applications by themselves, collaborate with a team of developers, and adopt the technical workflow followed by successful startups. At the end of the course, students will have their own portfolios to showcase their skills and will present their web application during our Demo day.

Check out Le Wagon Demo Days

Check out our Demo Days to see the apps our amazing students have built!



The goal of many coding bootcamp attendees is to transition into a career in tech. They do this by learning to build applications at a professional level – which provides the foundation they need to build production-ready applications and demonstrate they have the skills to add real value to a potential employer.
At Le Wagon, 50% of our students go on to work for tech companies, 40% launch their own tech startups and 10% become freelancers.


After our Bootcamp, you can kickstart your Tech career in a few months



From a young graduate who is looking to start a career in tech, a lawyer who wants to switch careers, or an entrepreneur who wants to build their own app, Le Wagon is suited for any individual looking to boost their career in tech by learning how to code!

At Le Wagon, we welcome students from all backgrounds! You don’t need any technical skills to join our web development bootcamp. We expect 3 things from our students: be (extremely) motivated, be curious, be social. Our student diversity is what makes our strength!

We welcome students from all kind of backgrounds!

If you feel like these points resonated with you, we encourage you to check our our syllabus or book a call with Javed, our admission manager in Mauritius. He will gladly assist you to make sure this Bootcamp is well suited for you.

Upcoming bootcamps in Mauritius:
  • Web Development Full-time (9 weeks): May 17, 2021 – Jul 16, 2021
  • Web Development Part-time (24 weeks): May 8, 2021 – Oct 23, 2021
  • Data Science Full-time (9 weeks): Sep 6, 2021 – Nov 5, 2021
Get in touch:
Sources : Careerkarma, Firehoseproject
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