Clara builds her career in web

Clara est genevoise Après un Bachelor à l'école hôtelière de Glion et un master à CREA, Clara a suivi notre bootcamp à Lausanne. Elle y a développé un bot pour Instagram avec son équipe et s'est frottée au UX design et Product management. Grâce aux compétences acquises au Wagon, elle est maintenant Web & UX Designer pour le groupe ISO à Genève

Hi Clara. Can you tell us about your journey?

With pleasure :) After completing my bachelor's degree at Glion Hospitality School, I wanted to position myself in the field of marketing. I did a master's degree at CREA in digital marketing. It helped me acquire knowledge in digitalisation related to marketing. It was also during this time that I discovered the career path of UX design.

After my master's degree, I wanted to continue on this path. I signed up on a freelancing platform to be able to find projects and develop my portfolio. I carried out several missions but I was quickly frustrated about not being able to develop ideas until the end, that is to say until the development phase. That’s why I decided to join the Wagon.

What motivated you to study web dev ?

Two things:

I had several ideas that I wanted to develop, including an Instagram bot to help me automate my time-consuming IG tasks.

The second reason is that I was very interested in UX design. I wanted to join a large organisation but felt like I was missing skills to differentiate myself in a job market saturated with profiles like mine.

And what are you doing now?

After Le Wagon, I applied for UX design positions on online platforms such as jobup, indeed, linkedin, etc. I ended up interviewing at ISO for a one-year internship. I was competing with another alumni of the Wagon in Lausanne. What really made the difference is the portfolio I built my projects at Le Wagon and as a freelance.

Today, I work as a Web & UX designer. My job requires me to optimise and migrate websites. And soon, I will focus on Front-End development.

How did the bootcamp go for you?

The bootcamp went really well. I was able to put together my Instagram Bot idea as a final project at Le Wagon. It allowed me to make good progress in my thinking and to get my hands on the project management part. At first I found it hard to visualise what the application could look like. It was after several mockups that we were able, as a group, to really see the application materialise itself and meet the needs of our users. This exercise was great because that's exactly what you have to do as a UX designer. And, best of all, we were able to go all the way and actually code the application.

There was a great atmosphere in my batch, I was able to meet people as motivated as me and who also wanted to change career paths. I loved that it was so hands-on.

A final word?

For future students, don't forget to do your flashcards ;-)

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