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9 awesome quotes inspiring women in tech.
During CSW, Le Wagon was invited by UN Women to a Women's Economic Empowerment Forum in New York, and to speak about the future of work. The event featured some incredible speakers that are leading in business and aim to address the SDG of improving gender inequality. Check out some of our takeaways!
“It will take 200 years to close the gender gap and reach the SDG. Set a target, an ambitious target, and agree on it. We need at least 30% women in leadership roles and on boards, fast.”
Lise Kingo, CEO, UN Global Compact “It’s more urgent to solve the gender diversity issue in tech because it’s moving so fast. Women need to be at the forefront of the innovation alongside the men, otherwise existing models won’t change. To do so, we need to incentivise girls to enter and lead in tech”.
Isabelle Durant, UNCTAD How to succeed in the future of work: “Be accountable for your own professional development - the tools are at your fingertips”.
Alice Clavel, Le Wagon Berlin, Lead Teacher @ the Win-Win Forum. "Gender-lens investing - intentionally thinking about gender balance in finance and venture capital, to lead positive economic & social outcomes”.
Suzanne Biegel, Founder of Catalyst at Large“Women - become digitally literate and gain the confidence and connections to become entrepreneurs.”
Deborah Gibbins, COO, Mary Kay. “How do we get women excited about tech? Create role models in the industry, as well as finance & investment”.
Michael Denham, Bank of Canada
Entrepreneurship: “Women are creating companies of the future, that’s economic empowerment". Patricia Greene, Women’s Bureau, US Dept. of Labour
Want flexible hours? “You do have a voice and it’s your responsibly to make change".
Kathleen Noreau, World Economic Forum
“In 2030, 80% roles will be new, we need to teach our youth to learn how to learn”.