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Learn To Code Online – Free Tutorials and Guides to the Front, Back, and Everything in Between of Coding

Coding is the act of writing computer programs — especially online programs in the language the computer understands, in lines of Code called scripts to make it accomplish a specific task or carry out given commands. If coding is a passion for you, then you can learn it by taking online courses!
When learning the art of coding, there are a huge range of Coding skills that you can learn online like Python and SQL, all designed to help you code the best online application. Code can be used in a wide range of industries, from an entrepreneur trying to reach their customer base through an online platform like an optimized website to huge gaming companies. In this article, you will learn about different aspects of coding and some relevant resources in order to help you reach your goal. The best part of learning to code with help through Le Wagon is that many of our resources are free and can be accessed from home.

Ready to get started learning all you need to know about coding?

Learn to Code: Prototyping an App For Beginners

Want to learn to code? It starts with learning how to prototype. A prototype is the creation of the wireframe or mockup for an online application that is not operating because it has no code. An application prototype can be a small diagram or pencil sketch on paper. These digital prototypes begin as very basic, black-and-white wireframes, before getting to high quality for the complete-color designs. The prototype is usually the first stage, or the pre-stage before the actual application that functions on your mobile phone or computer.

To help you in learning how to prototype, Figma is one of the best resources to refer to. Figma's prototyping features will let you produce interactive designs that show how a user will ultimately make use of the complete app. Using Figma features, you can preview the interfaces and user flows that will be used by the online application, share and update the designs, receive a response from collaborators, test how the applications work with users, and show your models to investors.

To Learn More, You Can Follow This Free Tutorial:

The best way to learn to prototype an app is to try doing so yourself...and it helps to be able to do so for free. This free tutorial will guide you through the learning process of prototyping and coding an app using Figma. And feel free to practice on our online learning platform!

Once you’ve finished learning how to prototype, you’re free to start to learn to code.

Learning to Code: Understanding the Best UI design to code

When learning to code an app or program that will be used by others, UI is one of the most crucial skills to have. User Interface (UI) is a program that forecasts the needs of users to create features that are easy to understand and access. To achieve a smooth user interface, entail a combination of three concepts, such as information architecture, interaction design, and visual design. Learning and understanding UI is essential when it comes to an online presence. That entrepreneur referenced above, for instance, would need a great UI design in order to draw in and retain customers. Thus, it’s worth it to learn this skill if you want to pursue a career in code.

You can hone your skills, as well as learn new skills, by consulting the encyclopedia of human-computer interaction. It is about a 52-chapter encyclopedia presenting UI/UX and interaction design. This document covers so many details on designing and coding interactive products including websites and software building, and household objects.

How to design a User Interface properly

The first consideration in your design efforts is the user. When learning to make a user interface that meets the need optimally, first learn about your user's objectives: what they like and do and what their level of expertise is.

Other things you must learn to prioritize when you design a user interface include the following:
  • Make your page layout focused
  • Make the interface simple to understand with clear, user friendly code
  • Incorporate the system defaults in your design
  • Be consistent during the creations process and use familiar UI principles
  • Use colors and texture intentionally
  • Use fonts to produce order and simplicity
  • Create a responsive system that accurately reflects the inputs of the user

Interested in Learning More About Code and UI Design? Check Out Our UI Design Course for beginners!

We recommend Figma as a useful tool when it comes to UX and UI design. It’s easy to use and helps you truly create the best user-friendly code and design. Thus our free UI Design tutorial focuses on learning to use Figma to optimize your UI design.

Learn the Language(s) of Online Coding: HTML and CSS

The full meaning of HTML is ‘Hypertext Markup Language’, and CSS stands for ‘Cascading Style Sheets’. These two languages are independent and primary programs for making a web page. HTML is the simplest language and enables you to create the structure of the page. Examples include paragraphs, headings, and images. As for CSS, it gives the capacity to style the visual appeal of your page and layout for different devices. Examples of CSS are the colors and fonts of your page. Learning both is critical to your future career in coding.

From the examples of both languages, you can deduce that HTML represents how the content should be, and the CSS describes how the content will appear on a web page.

To learn how to code HTML and CSS, just follow a study guide, and you will achieve your goal in no time. You will learn how to write quality code, know how to use CSS properly, make a list, know how to build a Web Page, establish backgrounds and gradients, add media, and make a data table and so on. 

If you’re interested in learning more about HTML and CSS, we offer another free webinar that can teach you all about it. You can also start practicing at any time on our online learning platform!

Learn Programming Languages Like JS

JavaScript is the encoding language for the Web, it’s text-based and usable on both the client and server-side. It is used for updating and modifying both HTML and CSS and to compute, manipulate and authenticate data. You can use it to code Browsers and make a static web page interactive. Learning JavaScript can be a boon if you hope to become a coder one day.

How can you learn JavaScript?

If you are not an experienced programmer, to learn JavaScript, begin from the basics and learn about variables and types, operators, arrays, manipulating arrays, loops, functions, and pop up boxes. 

JavaScript for Cats is one of the most interesting online resources for beginners who want to learn to code in JS language. You will find lots of advice about learning to code JavaScript. Interested in learning more? You can watch our free webinar to learn the core notions of JS, and practice on our online learning platform.

Learning to Plan Automation Using APIs

API stands for Application Programming Interface and is a package that helps two different applications to connect. APIs are used over Web networks and the use of them is referred to as ‘Web Services’. Like other applications, you can write an API to communicate with other modules of programs and databases.

What you should know about automation is that there are three layers of Automation API. You can separate the entire system into three layers:

  • Presentation Layer or the user interface (GUI), which is open to end-users
  • Business Layer or the application user interface where Code or the algorithm resides
  • DataBase Layer that hosts the application data
To learn all about API testing and how it can improve your coding, just watch this free webinar and check out the lecture and exercices available on our online learning platform.

Back Up Your Code With Data: Learn SQL to query a database

If you want to learn coding, you must also understand data...and databases. SQL (Structured Query Language), is a typical language for storage, operating, and retrieving data in databases. You also use the language for search, inserting and updating, and deleting database information. Also, it can function in maintaining and improving how the database works. For example, relational databases like MySQL Database, Oracle, Ms. SQL Server, Sybase all use SQL.

If you want to learn more about SQL language for free, watch our SQL queries tutorial and start practicing on our online learning platform.

Use programming resources like Python to scrape the Web, analyze your market and your competition

Web scraping is the method for checking and obtaining data from competitor's websites using an application. It’s a fast and cheap way to confirm market situation information and that of data of your competitors.

What is Python?

Python's is an easy to learn programming language that has lively semantics. Also, it is an object focused coding language that is attractive for use in fast application development, scripting, and linking components together.

Python supports components and packages, which allow coders to reuse program codes. The Python has a translator of an extensive typical library in source or binary form free in almost all primary platforms, and the program is freely distributed.

How to scrape the Web Using Python?

To scrape the Web, use Python to build your scraper for collecting data from the Web. To begin, install Python with other tools and write some lines of code to request data from a URL containing JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and JSON using a browser.

Once you receive the information, you put it into an object. Extract the useful data and convert it into the right format. This method is as if you went to that website to view the web page source.

If you look for some resources in order to learn how to scrape the web using Python, watch our Python Web Scraping Tutorial and practice at any time on our online learning platform.

Learn More About How to Code With a Free Webinar From Le Wagon

In today’s world, it can be hard to find things for free. This is especially frustrating when the resources you’re looking for are resources to help you pursue your career in coding one day. Fortunately, the world isn’t devoid of free resources for beginning coders — at least, Le Wagon isn’t. We offer a wide range of free webinars, tutorials, and other courses to teach various elements of coding. 

Excited about learning to code but on a budget? Le Wagon offers yet another webinar for free, this time about analyzing your competition before starting your new business, using Python. You can also start practicing on our online learning platform.

This is just one of the ways we help aspiring coders learn the skills they need to pursue their dream career in code. In addition to free online learning, you can go beyond our free resources with the coding bootcamps we runs in our 40 campuses globally, in Data Science and Web Development.

Through 9 weeks of intensive coding courses (or 24 weeks part-time), you can not only learn the skills you need to succeed but find partners and peers in the industry that will stick with you throughout your career. If you're ready to learn coding, download our syllabus below to know more about our Web Development bootcamp and Data Science bootcamp!

And if you want to stay up to date on our events and free workshops surrounding tech, startups and innovation, feel free to register to our newsletter.

Learn to code with help from Le Wagon — with online courses that can be accessed for free.

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