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The importance of accountability on online education

We asked Tatjana: Codum's founder and Le Wagon online alumni to share with us more on how accountability plays a big role in online learning and how she stayed accountable during her learning journey at Le Wagon.

Meet Tatjana: Codum‘s founder and data science online bootcamp alumni

Tatjana created Codum in 2022 after joining our data science bootcamp. Her goal was to address the big drop-off rates in self-paced courses and making self-directed learning more effective and less issolating. Codum provides an accountability platform that pairs learners with similar goals and levels.

We talked with her to know more about her experience on online learning and the role that accountability plays in it.

Top 3 blockers for successful online education

What are the main bockers for successful online education?

In the evolving landscape of online education, several challenges frequently hinder the path to success. From my perspective, the top three blockers are:

  1. Lack of accountability: Online learners often have the freedom to set their own pace, which, while flexible, can lead to procrastination if they are not held accountable for their progress. The endless juggle of daily tasks often pushes learners to focus on immediate issues rather than the important, long-term goal of learning.
  2. Lack of social interaction: The digital learning environment can sometimes feel isolating without the vibrant interaction found in traditional classrooms, making it harder to stay engaged and motivated.
  3. Lack of guidance/structure: Without a clear structure, students can feel lost in the sea of available information, struggling to identify what to focus on and when.

Le Wagon’s online bootcamps: addressing the challenges

How do you feel that Le Wagon’s online bootcamps cover those problems in your experience?

Le Wagon’s approach to online bootcamps effectively counters these common challenges:

  • Accountability through teachers and schedules: The structured schedule and teacher involvement ensure that students are accountable for their learning, keeping them on track towards their goals.
  • Fostering social interaction: Assigning a buddy for daily support creates a sense of community and teamwork, alleviating the isolation that can come with online learning.
  • Guidance when needed: The availability of teacher assistants for one-on-one support ensures that learners always have a guide to turn to, providing the necessary structure to navigate challenges successfully.

The crucial role of accountability in online learning

What role do you feel accountability plays in online learning environments?

Accountability is vital in online learning environments, especially since such platforms often offer self-paced, freely accessible resources. It’s easy for learners to get distracted or procrastinate without a system in place to hold them accountable. This is particularly true for those aiming for long-term goals like career changes, where the lack of immediate deadlines can create a false sense of endless time. Furthermore, adults juggling multiple commitments may default to addressing urgent tasks, neglecting important educational pursuits without an accountability system.


Influence of Le Wagon on my understanding of accountability

How did your experience at Le Wagon influence your understanding of accountability, especially in the context of online learning?

My experience at Le Wagon underscored the importance of accountability in online learning. While the bootcamp itself provided a structured accountability system, I realized post-bootcamp the necessity of developing my own system to continue my learning journey. Can only recommend to every grad to keep the momentum up post-bootcamp!

Inspiration behind codum

What inspired you to create a company centered around the concept of accountability?

Codum originated from a side project within the WWCode community that my co-founder and sister, Isabella, started to scratch her own itch. After more than 300 women joined that initiative, she realized how many online learners struggle to keep themselves accountable, which led her to start Codum. My personal experience as one of Codum’s first users revealed the significant impact of having a like-minded accountability partner. This experience fueled my interest in developing systems that enable individuals to reach their self-set goals. Working on Codum is very fulfilling, allowing us to contribute to empowering learners worldwide.

Strategies for staying accountable

Can you share any strategies or tools that helped you stay accountable during your online learning journey while you were studying at Le Wagon?

During my time at Le Wagon, several strategies and tools were instrumental in maintaining my accountability:

  • Structured Learning Environment: Le Wagon’s well-structured courses and tracking tools, alongside the dedicated support from teachers and peers, significantly minimized the room for procrastination.
  • Commitment: The act of joining Le Wagon is a commitment in itself, demanding time and focus, which inherently promotes accountability. This is a great step and definitely accelerated the learning journey.

The role of community support

In your opinion, what role does community support play in fostering accountability among online learners?

Community support plays an important role in fostering accountability and exchange among online learners. Being part of a community that shares your interests can greatly enhance motivation and inspiration. However, while inspiration and support from the broader community are valuable, we believe the focus on studying and learning for self-directed online learners is best supported through 1-on-1 human accountability partnerships, which directly contribute to consistent progress and deeper learning.

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