Insights from Le Wagon’s Growth & Product author, Maxim

Discover how Maxim, Le Wagon’s Growth Marketing course author, combines his passion for automation with hands-on teaching to empower students to thrive in the tech industry.
Maxin, Growth & Product Specialist

At Le Wagon, our mission is to empower aspiring tech professionals with the skills they need to succeed. One of our standout offerings is the Growth Marketing course, a program designed to teach automation, data, and marketing strategies to solve real-world challenges. At the heart of this course is Maxim, a Growth & Automation Specialist and Le Wagon course author, who brings his passion for tech and practical expertise into the classroom.


From student to teacher: Maxim’s journey

Maxim’s connection with Le Wagon started long before he began writing courses—he was once a student himself. Reflecting on his time as a learner, Maxim says:

“I love the very collaborative and exercise-focused teaching methodology of Le Wagon.”

When the opportunity arose to develop the Marketing & Data Automation course, Maxim didn’t hesitate.

“There was a great opportunity for me to really cement my knowledge on automation and create a course I would have wanted years ago when I was getting into the field.”

For Maxim, it wasn’t just about creating a course; it was about building a community where students could learn, experiment, and discover their passion for automation and growth marketing.


Why growth marketing matters

Growth Marketing is a dynamic and evolving field, offering countless career paths. But Maxim emphasizes that the key to success lies in taking action.

“It’s so much better to try something and be wrong than to say, ‘I don’t know how to do this.’”

The course covers a wide array of skills, enabling students to find their niche.

“They should have enough information to pick one job that they are really interested in. That would be the beginning of their journey, allowing them to dive deeper and deeper.”


Practical learning over theory

What makes the Growth Marketing course unique? Maxim designed it with a focus on practicality and relevance.

“I didn’t want to talk about anything I don’t believe in. I stayed true to my personal experiences and direct feedback from my network. The goal was to focus on actionable skills that make students valuable to their businesses.”

Rather than relying on buzzwords or abstract frameworks, the course equips students to:

  • Build effective strategies.
  • Plan campaigns with real-world insights.
  • Execute meaningful solutions that drive results.


The power of automation

Maxim’s enthusiasm for automation is contagious. He thrives on solving inefficiencies, helping professionals reclaim valuable time from repetitive tasks.

“I love when people say, ‘I’m spending hours doing this boring task,’ and I can say, ‘I’ll take that out of your hands.’ Watching people get that time back to focus on creating human, high-quality experiences is so rewarding.”


Watch the full video

Want to hear directly from Maxim and dive deeper into his story? Watch the full video below to discover what drives his passion for growth marketing and how he’s helping Le Wagon students launch their careers:



Whether you’re a marketer looking to level up or someone exploring a career in tech, this course offers the tools and inspiration to help you grow.

Ready to take the first step? Discover the Growth Marketing bootcamp and learn how you can drive change in your business and career.

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