From Travel to Tech: Why I Became a Data Freelancer

Cedric is a Le Wagon graduate who become a Data Engineer post bootcamp. He now works as a Data Freelancer and Le Wagon teacher to pass on his passion for Data and learnings from the real world. Read on to learn about his motivations for entering tech and his advice for those wanting to learn new tech skills.
Bootcamp Graduate Cedric

We get to know Cedric, a Le Wagon alumni who transitioned into data science after working for a London-based startup focused on travel & content creation. Cedric talks about his motivations for entering tech, what he enjoys most about his current role, and his experience at Le Wagon. He also shares his advice for those wanting to learn new tech skills. Read on to learn more about Cedric’s journey into Freelance and insights.

What were you doing before Le Wagon?

I was working for a London-based startup focused on travel & content creation. During the pandemic, this employment unfortunately ended. After that, I tried to set up an e-commerce business in matcha tea.

Tell us about your motivations for entering tech.

There were actually 2 major motivations:

First: I realised that I’ve been fascinated by tech since I was young. I studied business engineering in Belgium, which puts more focus on the business side of things. And then, if your career after your studies isn’t really scientific/techie, you might forget that you actually liked those fields when you were young. After some introspection, I decided I wanted to rediscover these hidden interests and challenge myself intellectually.

Secondly, the lifestyle of tech jobs these days can’t be beaten. You can work async or remotely if desired, but you can also meet up whenever you want. There’s flexibility in working conditions, choice of vertical and the salaries are more than OK. Sounds like the dream, doesn’t it?

What do you enjoy the most about your current role?

I’ve got an incredible amount of flexibility in terms of when and where I work. I absolutely love that. I also feel challenged intellectually since the data industry has exploded in the last couple of years, and there is so much to learn. You can never know it all!

What’s a typical “day in the life” in your current role?

Ha, good question! I don’t really have a typical day. It varies a lot depending on the project. Ideally, in every day, I foresee time for physical activity, learning, seeing friends and a revenue-generating endeavour. I’m currently working on a remote project in which I’m setting up a data warehouse for a Belgian SME, but I also have some Machine Learning Ops teaching days lined up in Mexico.

How would you summarise your experience at Le Wagon?

It was absolutely brilliant. I enjoyed every aspect of it, the perfect balance between independent learning and guided learning, the pub nights, and the networking. I have really good souvenirs of the people that I got to know. I’m sure they will stay friends forever. Last winter, we went skiing in the French Alps with some alumni from my batch for example.

Why did you join Le Wagon?

During the pandemic, I wasn’t really sure where I was heading with my career. A good friend of mine did Le Wagon in Istanbul, and he recommended it to me. After a while, I got convinced of the concept and by the fact that it is so renowned so I decided to try it.

What was the most challenging part of the Bootcamp?

You have to be focused for a long time straight. I quickly realised that going for drinks during the week wasn’t a good idea, for example. If you miss one day, it’s not easy to catch up. The pace is high. This thing is serious!

What was your favourite part of your Le Wagon Bootcamp?

The deep learning week was fantastic and triggers you to learn more. I also really enjoyed the demo day. It was quite stressful, but it was the cherry on the cake.

Do you have any advice for those wanting to learn to code or learn new tech skills?

If you’re starting from scratch or if you know little, you need the guidance of people who know what they’re talking about. Believe me, don’t think you can learn how to code from free Youtube videos.

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