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How the Online Bootcamp helped reshape my career whilst supporting a family

Meet Mederic, a former osteopath from Nantes, France, who after studying with Le Wagon Remotely & Part-Time has forged a new career in tech; all while maintaining his work life balance & family commitments. We asked him about his experience with Le Wagon Online.

Can you start by introducing yourself?

Hello, my name is Mederic Mesle, I'm 36 years old, I have a son and a very patient and supportive wife. 
In my old life, I used to work as an osteopath in a practice in Nantes. I've always been very interested in all things tech. I was an early adopter of many SaaS services in the health industry such as Doctolib (I am a contributor to Doctolib Pionnier), or for independent workers such as SumUp or Indy.

What were you doing before you joined Le Wagon?

Before I joined Le Wagon I was working full time in my practice in Nantes and being a dad! I really wanted to become a dev, however I wasn’t completely sure about being a front-end, back-end or full-stack developer.

Why did you choose to study the Bootcamp Online?

I needed a formula that could satisfy my home life and my work life, for me online just made a lot of sense. I could work from my office after my day was done and I could schedule studying time around all my obligations. I was also free to spend more or less time on certain concepts depending on how complex I found them.

How did you find the Online learning experience?

I really enjoyed it, the platform is really well made and simple to use. The videos are very good, you have the great advantage of being able to pause to take notes, rewatch and code along as many times as you like. You can also prepare your questions for the teachers on coding nights and after the live online lectures. The pace is intense but being remote allows you to be flexible and make great use of your time. The slack is also great, there's a lot of support available and the team is very reactive.

Did learning remotely allow you to better manage your work/life balance?

Clearly, it made it possible for me to be with my family, I could come home and see my son and share a meal before logging on, follow them on weekends and work remotely, it's a pretty ideal setup.

What was the biggest negative of doing the bootcamp Online?

The major negative is not physically meeting your batch peers and the teachers and having time to spend outside of work with each other, we should have set up a virtual beer night! The demo day online is also a bit less fun than it appeared to be for the On Campus bootcamp.

What are you doing now & what are your plans for the future?

I've been going through several recruitment processes and have just accepted an offer starting a new position as a back-end developer at Ilek​​!

Any advice for anyone thinking of doing a bootcamp?

It's a marathon not a sprint.

Want to read more about Mederic’s experience at Le Wagon? 

Check out the following Medium articles documenting his Le Wagon experience:
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