Every yekke* is different: Why Cologne is the ideal city for you to meet your individual job expectations.

Cologne is a truly colourful city- and not only during carnival when thousands of shrill birds and funny yekkes move through the streets. Because the jobs for programmers in Cologne are just as diverse. Find out here what makes Cologne so special for programmers and why you'll have an easy time finding exactly the job that suits your individual needs.

Cologne offers a wide variety of jobs for programmers

As we know from our post about the cool jobs in Berlin's startup scene, "programmer" does not mean "programmer". Depending on what interests you most about programming, you have a wide range to choose from in your choice of programming job. We have summarized the three most popular jobs for graduates of our bootcamp for you.

The most popular job for le wagon bootcamp graduates is Full Stack Developer. As the name suggests, if you are a Full Stack Developer, you have a "full-stack" of skills that you can use in your work. You are a programmer who has all the necessary skills to develop an app from scratch, for example. You are familiar with both front-end and back-end technologies. Therefore, you manage to develop programs that not only look great for the user but also run smoothly in their processes. A true all-rounder!
Meanwhile, in second place is the Backend Developer. If you start your career as a Backend Developer, you'll be responsible for making sure that everything is running flawlessly "in the back". This is very important because it's not enough if the app looks nice - it also has to work, run smoothly and provide the user with information quickly. In this case, you are responsible for the backbone on which the software runs. Super important!

Third on the popularity list of jobs for programmers among our graduates is Product Manager. In this job, you combine the technological as well as the customer-centric side of the business. Simply put, you are responsible for making sure that the app that is programmed by the developers also fits what the customers want in the market. In doing so, you not only have the expertise of a software developer, but also a feel for marketing and customer needs. A real multi-talent!

You'll find all three in Cologne, of course. Read on to find out what kind of companies you can find yourself in.

Corporate landscape in Cologne: lively startup scene, traditional medium-sized companies and large DAX corporations - the choice is yours!

Today, programmers exist in every industry and in every type of company. And they play an important role in the success of these! All companies today need programmers to function. For example, there are no computers, no websites, and no computer games without programmers. But that's not all: pretty much every business that has computers and runs programs needs programmers. Let's take a look at some of the businesses that wouldn't exist without programmers:

Create new innovations in a job at a Cologne tech startup.

First, of course, there are tech startups that develop new innovative business models every day. These days, they can't get by without sophisticated software or complex data structures. Here, the focus of software development is, for example, on the creation of new apps that are used by many people and make their lives easier. A good example of this is the app Durst (durst.de), which allows you to get drinks delivered to your home quickly.

Help small and medium-sized businesses meet the challenges of the digital world.

On the other hand, there are also medium-sized and traditional companies that have been around for decades. They benefit from huge expertise in their industry and have been presenting excellent results to their customers for a long time.

However, medium-sized companies face an additional challenge: they need programmers to get ahead in digitization and leave the competition behind. Medium-sized companies in Cologne and everywhere else in Germany are therefore very interested in you and your skills as a programmer.

Because you can be the one who makes a significant contribution to the digitization and modernization of a medium-sized company.

If these things are important to you, a job as a developer in Cologne at a medium-sized company will give you job security and a family environment in established companies, as well as the chance to lead high-impact projects and turn your ideas into reality.

See how DAX corporations are repositioning themselves and developing a true startup spirit.

German DAX corporations are under enormous pressure. They are fighting the competition not only with their products but also with their innovation capabilities.

The solution?

Corporations and other large companies are founding corporate startups.

Lufthansa, for example, has a corporate startup in Cologne: the Lufthansa Innovation Hub. The Hub was founded at the end of 2016 and is even led by members from the Executive Board.

The reason is clear: Lufthansa wants to survive on the market in the long term and develop new business models. With the establishment of an Innovation Hub, Lufthansa is moving away from its core business of flying aircraft. Instead, it aims to develop completely new products and services that can be integrated into the airlines' flight operations to improve passengers' flight experience, enable faster and more efficient transport processes and make flying more sustainable.

Lufthansa's corporate-startup was founded with a budget of 100 million euros. With this money, the company aims to develop entirely new products and technologies as well as digital solutions that can be immediately integrated into existing products and services or offered independently.

For you as a budding developer, it quickly becomes clear: Here you can work on really big and significant projects that change entire industries from the ground up.

Conclusion: Cologne offers something for everyone - there's something for you, too

If you're interested in a career in programming, Cologne is the place for you.
Colourful street in Cologne's old town
If you want to work in a startup, Cologne is certainly one of the most interesting places to do so! The city is home to many exciting new companies and offers a fast-growing tech scene with an ecosystem that is second to none.

If you're looking to work for a big company, the Rhine metropolis has exactly what you need to feel at home: international corporations and a solid infrastructure. And if you're looking for something in between, there's always the option of medium-sized companies or disruptive corporate start-ups with room to grow.

The options are as colourful as the carnival revellers in Cologne. Whether you're a full-stack developer, backend developer, or product manager, you'll find something that fits your vision perfectly: Cologne has everything you need to get started as a fresh programmer and junior developer!

*yekke (german "Jecke") = typical term originated in Cologne referring to a member of a carnival party

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