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Online part time program: a game-changer for busy learners

Our part-time bootcamp is our most flexible online learning programme, designed for individuals juggling full-time jobs, personal commitments, or simply seeking a more adaptable learning schedule.
man learning from home man who can study from anywhere he wants and who is learning the most in-demand skills

What is the online part-time program?

The online part time program is our most flexible bootcamp, stretching over 24 weeks. This program is structured around the convenience of our students. It is designed to offer more flexibility for students to choose when they want to study while maintining the structure and methodology from our regular bootcamps.

How does the part-time program work?

  • Duration: 24-week course.
  • Lectures: there is two lectures per week, each of them requires 8 hours of committment.
  • On-Demand Lectures: Pre-recorded video lectures available for viewing at any time before the deadline, ensuring you never miss a beat.
  • For each lecture, there is two live coding sessions to choose from. Attending one per lecture is mandatory.
  • All-Day TA Support: Access to a dedicated Help Desk for real-time answers and teaching support, available all day and evening. You can post your queries anytime, and our global team of tech education experts will respond as soon as possible.
  • Pair Programming: Collaborate with fellow students who are working on the same challenges in real-time.


Why choose to study a bootcamp at Le Wagon Online?

Here is what some of our alumni have to say about our online programs:

“Le Wagon has been a very enriching experience, both in terms of technical knowledge and social relations. We acquired rich, well-documented, and fairly updated content on web development in a progressive and well-structured way. The teachers and speakers were available and understanding in meeting the learners’ needs, which greatly facilitated the learning and assimilation of the courses.”

Qian Wang – Web Development Alumni

“It’s a great experience, short but intense, with attentive teachers. A complete immersion in a new world (at least for me) where we learn a lot of tools that are requested in job offers today. All while feeling supported.”

Charline Buché – Data Analytics Alumni


woman studying on laptop online


Who is the Flex part-time program designed for?

The Flex Part-Time Program is ideal for those who need to balance learning with other responsibilities.

Whether you are:

  • A full-time professional looking to upskill without stepping away from your career,
  • In the midst of a career transition and looking to pivot into the tech industry,
  • A busy parent needing an educational path that aligns with family life,
  • An entrepreneur or freelancer seeking to balance learning with business commitments,
  • A passionate technologist eager to explore coding and tech skills more deeply,
  • A student in higher education aiming to complement your studies with tech expertise, or
  • A digital nomad looking for a flexible learning schedule that transcends borders,


…the Flex Part-Time Program is designed to accommodate your unique lifestyle and learning needs, providing an optimal balance between structured education and the flexibility your life demands.

Find out more about our flex part-time online bootcamps here.


Whether you want to launch your own business or boost your career, our tech bootcamps will give you the skills to reach your 2024 goals. Discover Le Wagon’s online bootcamps and start your new career with maximum flexibility.

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